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My Daughter Wants To Start Sewing

My daughter would like to begin sewing, but this is something that I know nothing about. I have read many sewing machine reviews, but I have no idea what I am looking for or in fact what I should be opting for.

I want to purchase a machine that will be easy for her to use, but will provide some growing room as her sewing skill continues to grow. I do not know where the best place to purchase a machine for her would be, or how much I should expect to pay for a machine for a beginner.

I am thrilled, however, that my daughter wants to learn to sew. This is one area in which I have no expertise or interest whatsoever. I can cook, yes, and I keep a relatively clean house, but this is one area of home economics where I have consistently failed. I hem with a stapler or a bottle of glue. I am a buyer, not a maker. I am surprised, but happy, that my daughter wants to learn to sew.

Now though, I am back to my original problem. I have read many sewing machine reviews, but I have no idea what type of a machine I should purchase for my budding seamstress.