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Everything You Need To Know About PFAS

What is PFAS?

PFAS means perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances. (You may know them by the old term “PFCs” or perfluorochemicals). This is a group of chemicals that manufacturers use to make everyday household products, as well as things in industries such as:

  • outer space
  • construction
  • electronic

PFAS chemicals are not easily degraded over time. As a result, some scientists worry that these chemicals could reach levels that could harm the environment – and your body. While there is research to back this up, we need more research to ascertain how it affects humans. If you want to learn more about PFAS browse this site.

What is PFASand Why Should You Care? -- Environmental Protection

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What are the health effects of PFAS?

PFAS from food or drink builds up in your body and stays there for a long time. Some research suggests that high PFAS levels can lead to things like:

  • Higher cholesterol levels
  • Low birth weight
  • Changes in your immune system
  • thyroid problems
  • Higher risk of developing kidney or testicular cancer

How Do I take In PFAS?

You can get a low score from them by:

  • Soil and water that help grow food
  • Certain food packaging
  • Multiple processing equipment

PFAS has entered the water supply in some communities. You can find out about your local water supply by requesting a report from your local government on the quality of drinking water in your area.

PFAS can also enter your system when you come into contact with certain non-sticky, stain-resistant, or water-resistant products, such as:

  • carpet
  • skin
  • clothes
  • packing material
  • Cookware with non-stick coating