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Email Archiving On Cloud Nine

The main reasons companies get involved in email archiving are compliance, litigation, maintenance, storage management, and knowledge management. Some companies can also use backups for disaster recovery and monitoring employee communications.

For a company that uses email on a daily basis, filing is essential for day-to-day business management. There are several reasons companies should use filing in their day-to-day operations. Moreover, in the event of a disaster that damages the organization's internal network, archives act as a critical safety net to ensure the continuity of important communications. In addition, security is an important reason for companies to consider security. Archiving solutions via can help monitor incoming and outgoing traffic to minimize data leaks and security breaches.

Five Benefits of Cloud Email Archiving Solutions

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Additionally, a good email archiving solution can act as an internal knowledge base that your company can use to retrieve data. For example, customer support e-mails are a great, decomposable resource for separating frequently asked questions and analyzing the most effective responses to common issues. Technical support might even ask you to use an email archive to find unresolved issues that you can use to develop and improve troubleshooting guides.

The disadvantage of email archiving is the time and effort it takes to run it internally. Email support and message recovery can take down corporate IT. Especially for companies that send and receive more than 100 emails per person per day, this can really upgrade and load any internal mail server. However, if the built-in email solution is equipped with a cloud service, automatic archiving and direct access to archived email can result in saving resources and reducing costs.